Saturday, February 9, 2013


   This week my family and I watched a little known documentary called “Monumental”.  In this film Kirk Cameron goes on a journey to discover why America is in a downward spiral and how we can go about stopping it.  He speaks out about not being the Christian who accepts that “bad times are coming, but that means Jesus is closer”.  He wants to stop the bad times and restore America to it greatness so our children and our grandchildren can have a life here on earth as well.
   It is a great documentary in my opinion that received much criticism, was kept out of most theaters and probably done so by liberals who are afraid to be governed by the one true leader we have – God.  Afraid to live according to the virtues that He instilled in us and in which our country’s liberties, laws, justice and freedom were founded. 
   It is Not about forcing everyone in America to be Christians but about using the true laws of life, of humanity, and of God to ensure that all are given morally sound and ethically based freedoms in which to live and to allow others to live. 

   What is destroying our freedoms? The very opposite of the purpose in which our forefathers sought out this land, the freedom to worship God freely and to govern its people justly – yes, using God’s laws! Because they work!! 
   Atheists who cry out that religious freedom means no religion are so far off base it amazes me that they are being allowed a leg to stand on.  People out there crying out for freedom of religion are twisting it into freedom from religion and thus cut the strings that keep us morally straight. 
   Are atheists immoral?  NO, they whether they believe or not, were created in God’s image and therefore do have the ability and the desire for moral living.  But when a movement to remove the moral foundations of our government, when we resort to a standard of “Do what you will, so long as it harms none”.  Then we open the door to an immoral life.  By the way, that standard may sound good to many but it is a direct quote from the wiccan rede – the foundation of that pagan witchcraft sect that is destroying many of our youth by giving them permission to do whatever they want.
   There was one part in this film that was very important to me.  A monument that I will bet many of you have never heard of (Some of you New Englanders may have).  It is call “The Monument to our Forefathers”, dedicated in 1889 to the Pilgrims who risked all for freedom, it sits atop a hill in Plymouth Massachusetts; all alone, forgotten, neglected and lost in our history.  It is the “recipe” for our freedoms that this country was founded on.  This recipe has all but been tossed aside in our governing body today, to be replaced by “Do what you will, so long as it harms none”. 

What follows is a description of this great, probably our greatest monument in our country:

        The monument stands at 81 feet tall, America’s largest granite monument.  At its centerpiece is “Faith”, with her finger pointing to God and clutching a Bible in her hand.  The Bible worn, to indicate that it is well used and that it was the solid foundation for our liberties.  On “Faith’s” forehead is a star representing the wisdom that only comes from studying God’s Word.  At her feet, counter-clockwise from the east are Morality, Law, Education and Liberty.  The four principles, only obtained from faith in God, upon which this country relies on for freedom and liberty. 
    Morality, the internal liberty, the beginning of all freedom.  She sits with no eyes to indicate that she looks within herself for her morality, she checks herself first.  In her hand is the ten commandments upon which the basis for morality and our laws rests.  She must transform, through God and Jesus Christ, into her new moral character. She alone is responsible for her moral behavior, not government telling us what is moral but God changing us to desire moral behavior and standards.  On her right side is a depiction of the evangelist, the Christian’s responsibility to teach God’s moral law to the world, not sit back and let the world go to “hell in a hand basket”.
    Next is Law, in his hand he also holds the Ten Commandments for it is from God’s Law that our law is based.  It is a merciful law and that extends guidance and hope to the world rather than imposes and oppresses us.  When we started removing the Ten Commandments from our court rooms then we have an enabling effect to break the law.  Impose immoral rulings upon our society, stop protecting the innocent and allow for an atmosphere of handouts rather than accountability.  On his side is justice, the scales of equity, punishment fits the crime and mercy, a loving father who holds his child to a standard yet does so lovingly.

   Following Law is Education, she holds the Bible and trains her children up in the words, the truth and good of God.  On her side is a picture her training youth, it is the parents responsibility to train our children to ensure the foundation of our liberties are passed on to our next generations rather than allowing government to dictate what is taught and passed on. 
   On her other side is a grandfather, the matriarch who ensures that all is not lost from one generation to the next for, as George Washington so aptly put when morality and religion are not passed on then the country will fall.

    Last is Liberty, the culmination of all; based upon faith in God, with a moral foundation, a just and merciful law and all being passed on from one generation to the next; then true Liberty is accomplished.  In opposition to the current thought that Christianity is oppression, he sits with the chains of man’s oppression broken.  He holds a sword in one hand to indicate that liberty must be fought for or it will be lost.  On one side is Liberty beating tyranny and on the other side is peace. The idea that one must be ready to fight and defend liberty but being prepared will bring peace.

This monument says a great deal, about how true liberty is found and how it is lost.  We the people, alone, are responsible for ensuring that liberty is not not lost and that our children and our children's children will also experience the liberty that is only found in "One Nation Under God"