Well, our official orders have finally arrived. We are being assigned to the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
We are very excited about this news and feel incredibly blessed to both have the opportunity to serve in such a front line combat unit as well as to live in Hawaii. It will be a small consolation to know that Denise and Cody will be in living in paradise when I inevitably deploy, which I was told is now a "high probability"
We have also been blessed with getting to know my fellow classmates through a facebook group page. I can already see some close and long lasting friendships forming. It is amazing how most of us have similar views on our calling to this ministry and how we are to serve God in such an environment and still be a witness for Christ. I know there are many that question our abilities in such a position and even ask how we can subject ourselve to such limitations. But, I believe that evangelism can take place in many forms, especially in living out the life of Christ by loving others the way that we are loved by God. A chaplain is in the midst of the soldiers, he or she is embedded in their lives, their work and their brotherhood. By just being there and loving them as God would have us we are evangelizing through the example of living a Christ-like life.
Next on the agenda: taking my oath. We are still hopeful that we will be able to travel north to do my Oath at the Lincoln Memorial with our good friends, Dave and Michelle from Ft Meade. They are in the midst of battling a houseful of sick kids -possibly H1N1 so please remember them in your prayers.
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